Here are the 5 traps in a commercial lease mentioned above:–
- Repair Responsibility – Landlords will often insist on a fully repairing commercial lease. As a tenant you wish to avoid this. You could be taking on prior problems in the Property with a fully repairing lease.
- Review – Beware the Landlord widening the usage of the Property to increase the rent on the rent review..
- Break clauses – beware if there are other conditions of break other than non-payment of rent. This could make it impossible for you to exit the lease.
- Assignment (of selling or passing on) is critical in a difficult financial market. Beware the landlord who imposes too many conditions on you passing on the Commercial Lease.
- Rent suspension in an insurance claim – You need to ensure that you are not paying rent when this is suspended in the event of a fire, water leakage or insurance claim.
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3 Tips to avoid Squatters Rights for the Landowner.
Essentially a squatter on land can acquire rights to possess land and extinguish the owners title to the land if he has physical control of the land for 12 years up to October 2003 without interruption by the Owner or if he does not have this period of 12 years by October 2003 , succeeds in an application to the Land Registry to be registered.
How to avoid this?
- Do not be inactive as the Owner. Take possession of land by going to Court. Grant licences. These all stop the 12 year clock running.
- Apply to register your land if it is unregistered.
- Notify the land registry of your addresses. Use up to 3 addresses. This makes it easier for the Land Registry to notify you if a squatter applies for registration.
One of the services we offer is fixed fee possession proceedings for buy to let Landlords. This includes service of the correct Notices and issuing possession proceedings and representation at court at the first hearing.
Saul Marine is also a qualified mediator. I have a separate website that tells you all about Mediation, the services I can provide, the differences between facilitative mediation and evaluative mediation along with much more. To check out what all this means just follow this link.
If you have any questions on this please contact us. The courts are encouraging parties to mediate. Accordingly, you ignore Mediation at your own peril! The Courts will penalise you in costs if you don’t mediate or attempt mediation.